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Crosswind Music



New Testament

Good morning class!  
Today we're going to memorize the 27 books of the New Testament.  
Eyes forward, backs straight, repeat after me, Hah!
(you forgot the Hah! ...oh well)

Matthew, Mark, Luke John, Acts, Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians (repeat)

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians (repeat)

1, 2, Thessalonians, 2 Timothy's and a Titus (repeat)

And 3 from John, and 1 from Jude and Revelation ends it dude! (repeat)

New Testament, I'm gonna memorize it cold! (repeat)

(Repeat the entire song a second time as above. Repeat the song a third time - all the way through - without repeating each line.)


Music & Lyrics By Bryan Sirchio
1992, Crosswind Music.  All Rights Reserved.

updated: 17 years ago

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