Newsletter from Bryan Sirchio/Crosswind Music

...and a brand new website!
Hi everyone!
I hope this e-mail comes as a pleasant surprise to you. You're receiving it because you either signed my mailing list at a concert or retreat at some point or you purchased recordings or other resources from me through my website. If you would prefer to be removed from this list then please select unsubscribe at the bottom of this page. I'm very sensitive to SPAM laws, so please just say the word if you'd rather not get messages like this from me.
But for those of you who are still reading... I just went through my master e-mail list and realized that it's been a long time since I've been in touch with some of you. Well I'm still out here doing my music ministry and loving it more than ever. But I stopped sending out my paper newsletter several years back because my postal mailing list got so huge that I couldn't afford the postage. I've been wanting to put together an electronic newsletter for years, and it's finally happened! I'm really excited to be able to be in more regular contact with you, and I hope you'll enjoy these mailings. I anticipate sending this letter out about once a month. It will include my concert schedule, news of new releases, and periodic reflections from me which I hope you'll find meaningful.
The main reason I'm now able to send out this newsletter is that I have just recently launched a new website, and this newsletter actually interfaces with the site. I'd love for you to check out my new site and let me know what you think of it. It's only been live for about a month, and were still trying to fine-tune things. I'd really appreciate it if you would let me know if you're having any trouble understanding how to navigate around the site or if anything is unclear to you. Or just e-mail me to say hello and to let me know that you've received this message. I'd love to hear from you.
Here's some of the new stuff that's now available on my new site!
--A new songbook featuring 24 songs that were written for group singing and/or congregational worship. These songs all feature theology and language which fits in mainline Protestant churches. I'll trust you know what I mean by that, but either check out the Music For Worship navigation tab or give me a call (1-800-735-0850) and I'll tell you more about this new collection.
--All my songs can now be purchased individually as MP3s and downloaded immediately (I'm also now on I-Tunes, Napster, Rhapsody, and Amazon)
--You can purchase and download my songbooks right from the site, or download the sheet music for individual songs so that you don't have to buy the whole book.
--You can download the study guides that turn my music for teens into youth group and/or confirmation class resources.
--You can download any individual study session so that you don't have to buy the whole book.
Well this is enough for one message. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. It feels great to be able to write to you like this now. I've been feeling convicted for years that I've not done a better job of maintaining contact with those of you who have graced me with your presence at concerts and retreats and who have purchased my music and often taken the time to write and let me know how songs of mine have touched your lives. I really hope that this newsletter will be a way in which I can let you know more regularly how much I appreciate you. I also hope it will be a way in which I can periodically encourage, inspire, and maybe even challenge you a bit.
After all these years in this crazy ministry of mine (this is year 21!), I am more appreciative than ever for those of you who have shown up at my concerts and made my music a part of your spiritual journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hope to see you out there at a concert or some other ministry event soon!
God's Grace, Peace, and Justice to you and through you!
Bryan Sirchio
P.S. If you know of others you think would like to receive my electronic newsletter, please feel free to forward this to them. Folks can get on my mailing list by clicking on the subscribe button on my home page, or by clicking on the contact us tab.
- Bryan Sirchio July 2015 Newsletter
- Quick Note From Bryan Sirchio
- Bryan Sirchio Newsletter--New CD Release!
- Bryan Sirchio Newsletter April, 2015
- Bryan Sirchio Newsletter--My Work In Haiti
- Bryan Sirchio Music Minstry December Newsletter
- Bryan Sirchio & Crosswind Music October 2009 Newsletter
- Bryan Sirchio Music Ministry June 2009 Newsletter
- Sorry If my newsletter was hard to read!
- December Newsletter
- Newsletter from Bryan Sirchio/Crosswind Music
- Newsletter from Bryan Sirchio/Crosswind Music