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Bryan Sirchio Newsletter--My Work In Haiti

Hi everyone,
Many of you who are aware of my longtime connection to the people of Haiti have been in touch with me since the earthquake on January 12th . So much so that I figured it would be a good idea for me to send out this brief message to all of you.
First, I am fine friends. I was not in Haiti when the quake struck. Thanks so much to all of you who thought of me and who were wondering if I was in Haiti at the time. I've been deeply touched by the many expressions of caring and concern that I've received.   Again, thank you so very much.
But of course it's the people of Haiti we all need to be most concerned about in light of this devastating quake. For those of you who are interested, I've posted a message on my website that will give you more information on how my own circle of friends and colleagues in Haiti have been impacted.
Many people have also contacted me and asked how they might be able to donate to and through the ministries with which I am most personally involved. Again, if you'd like this kind of information, please visit my site, or go to the website of the organization through which I now do most of my work in Haiti. The URL is  
On my own site and on the Haiti Partners MCC site, I've listed several different grass roots organizations which are responding powerfully to the earthquake. They were all doing great work in Haiti long before the quake. More and more my hope lies with these smaller organizations.   They/we will be in Haiti for the long haul, and these organizations know how to work with Haitians in ways that are just and respectful and mutually transforming. They will be there long after the network camera crews leave, and long after Haiti once again begins to fade from the public spotlight.
I have been asked already to do quite a few benefit concerts for Haiti, and I am thrilled to be able to generate some support in this way. If your congregation would be interested in hosting such an event, please contact me and let's make it happen!
I'll close now with the text of a song I wrote a few days ago in response to the quake. I've got a few songs in me that are in the process of being birthed, but this was the first one that came out. I'm going to do my best to record this with a simple video camera in the next fews days and put it on You Tube soon, so look for it there or on my website in the next week or so if you'd like to hear what it sounds like.
Thanks again for being so kind and caring. I've been amazed and deeply touched by the outpouring of compassion I've seen from around the world for Haiti. Of course I wish it didn't take an earthquake for hearts to get broken open, but I'm grateful for the expressions of love nevertheless.
Thanks again and God bless you all,
Bryan Sirchio
January 26, 2010
Yet Even Now
Hanging on the cross Jesus cried out this prayer
My God why have you forsaken me?
Was he finally questioning if God was really there
Why was God allowing all this agony?
Was he finally doubting all he'd based his life upon?
Was he finally realizing God can not be counted on?
How we understand why Jesus cried those words
Takes a sharp 180, once we begin to learn
That Christ was quoting scripture—in fact Psalm 22
Starts off with those very words that I just sung to you
My God why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from helping me?
I cry day and night but you don't answer me
But then everything changes as we reach verse 3 (and this Psalm's 3rd verse says)
Yet even now you are holy
Yet even now we will praise your Name
Yet even now you are holy
You are enthroned on your people's praise
On January 12th, the year 2010
The tiny land of Haiti was hammered once again
This time by an earthquake, and when I heard the news
My broken heart got angry, and I cried God where are you!?
But then I heard this sound that brought me to my knees
Survivors of the earthquake had gathered in the streets
And from my television I heard Haitian songs of praise
And the lyrics they were singing were "blessed be God's Name" (and they reminded me)
Bridge: Every time I've ever gone to Haiti
                   I've been blown away by the faith of the poor
                  So I guess I should not be surprised
                 That they're the ones teaching me once more
Once again my teachers are those who live without
The things we north Americans are so sure life's about
It's when we're most in anguish that we need most to praise
So they're singing God—no matter what we'll love you anyway
And maybe they'll cry out, and sometimes ask God why?
But mostly they'll sing songs of gratitude
And instead of asking God for all the things that they don't have
They'll be praising God for all the things they do… (and I will sing with them)
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