The Convergence Music Project!! (CMP)
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Convergence Music Project is now up and running!
The website URL is
Read on to learn more about CMP here or just select the link and go to the site.
Or watch this video in which I explain what CMP is all about!
I and a team of CMP collaborators are excited to let you know about a new worship music company that we've started.
It’s called the Convergence Music Project, or CMP for short.
There are some amazing artists, writers, and church leaders at the heart of this new start up with me. Folks such as Brian McLaren, Cameron Trimble and the Center for Progressive Renewal, Doug Pagitt, Christopher Grundy, Andra Moran, Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan, Mark Miller, Rob Leveridge, Micky ScottBey Jones, and many others.
How will CMP be work?
In a nutshell, CMP is an online source of new songs (downloadable songs and sheet music) for worship and community singing that all have great messages and solid theology. The songs are available individually on the site and are indexed and categorized so that it’s easy to find the kinds of songs you need for specific moments in worship.
There is also be a subscription membership for churches that you can read about on the site. It's a great deal and makes the entire CMP website your church's library of new songs with theolgy and music from many different styles.
By “great theology,” we're talking about the kind of messages that I (Bryan Sirchio) wrote about in my book, The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music, and the kind of approach to the Christian faith that world reknown author Brian McLaren has been writing about powerfully in his books for years.
So check out the site and join us! Membership also includes 25% off all CMP live events. The next scheduled event is our 2nd annual "Progressive Christian Songcrafting Retreat" for songwriters that will be held in Nashville, TN from November 15-17, 2018. Click this link to be taken to the info page for that event.