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Crosswind Music



Send Me

The scriptures say…God knows us all by name
Don't be afraid when the Spirit calls
There's a Whisper now
Listen way deep down
Once we hear it then every bush is ablaze!
God is listening
Hoping we'll respond
Hoping we will say…
Yes God, I'll go where you lead me
I hear your Spirit calling my name
As long as I know you're with me
I know you'll give me the grace that I need
So here I am, send me Holy One
Here I am, send me Holy One
Here I am, send me Holy One
Here I am, send me
So many needs-- I see the people's pain
O God, send me--I will share your love
I will feed your sheep, comfort those who weep
I will work for your justice and for your peace
When I make mistakes--wash me with your Grace
Then again, I'll say

updated: 14 years ago

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