Artist's Hand (to purchase CD to be shipped select Order/Ship Physical CD; For downloads select album title in blue )

(Description Below)
1995 Crosswind Music. All Rights Reserved.
1995 Crosswind Music. All Rights Reserved.
This collection of tunes was put together with both teens and adults in mind, and features some of my most popular songs over the years such as "Cold Shower Treatment" (the "Corie song"), "Table of Friendship and Love," and "Dream God's Dream." Like "Come As U R!," there is a study guide for youth leaders available that turns each of the songs on this recording into a youth group and/or confirmation class curriculum. This guide was written primarily by UCC pastor, poet, and author Maren Tirabassi, and it's really well done! Read more about it by clicking here...
Accompanying Study Guide Available here.
Accompanying Study Guide Available here.
All songs on this recording were written, recorded, and produced by Bryan Sirchio except where noted otherwise. Additional engineering, production, mixing, and mastering by Tom Blain of Ultimate Audio. "Can't Talk" was written by Jim Weber. Copyright 1985, The Sparrow Corporation.