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Crosswind Music



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The video below features a new song called "God Will See Us Through." My daughter Emma Ceurvels and I co-wrote this to remind people going through a hard time that they are loved and not alone...

Click here to purchase the audio download and/or sheet music

Progressive, substantive, uplifting AND challenging Christian music--listen to clips, order products to be shipped or download songs and sheet music within minutes!

If you've been searching for a Christian singer/songwriter with a keen intellect and a great sense of humor... who sings about personal faith, social justice, honoring the earth, and compassion for the poor... who writes songs for kids, teens, and adults that cause people to reflect deeply upon the choices they make and that sometimes even change the course of people's lives...who is committed to using inclusive language, a progressive world-view, and theology that reflects the best of "mainline" Protestantism, the "Emerging Church" movement, and the Social Justice teachings of the Roman Catholic tradition... then you've got to check out Bryan Sirchio's music...

"...your book, 'The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music,' is a gem, and way more people should know about it."
Brian McLaren, author and Emerging Church leader

"I just finished listening to your 'J-Walking' CD and I loved it... Music like this could start a movement for justice."
Tony Campolo, PhD, Eastern University

updated: 7 years ago

updated: 9 years ago