New Year's Greetings and 2016 Bookings

Bryan at the 2015 Lakeland College Confirmation event
New Year's Greetings everyone!
Just wanted to check in and thank you all once again for a great 2015 and for all the "Christmas gift business" you recently sent my way. I sold out of my Christmas album and I had a blast signing CDs and books. I hope your family and friends enjoyed receiving those gifts.
And now on to 2016!
I'll be working a lot in the next couple of weeks on my 2016 booking schedule, and would love to fill in any holes I have left in my live event calendar.
So if you'd like to pursue the possibility of having me come and do a concert, worship service, workshop, or some other kind of musical program at your congregation, please be in touch! It's easier than you might think to pull off, and I always do my best to be flexible when it comes to the financial side of things.
If you're new on my mailing list, I offer lots of different kinds of programs and concerts and can focus on young children, teenagers, the entire church family, social justice and outreach, or a combination of all those things.
For those of you who are clergy or music directors, I've been doing a lot of weekend engagements that include a Saturday afternoon workshop for area churches based on my book, "The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music," a concert that night, and a Sunday worship service the following morning. I've been amazed by the numbers of folks who are feeling the need for a new kind of worship music that is inclusive and expansive and that reflects the Extravagant Welcome and call to justice that is at the heart of the Gospel. Hosting a workshop based on my book is a great way to do something with other churches in your area, and this also spreads out the cost of having me come.
I'll also be promoting the new worship music company called The Convergence Music Project that I, Brian McLaren, Cameron Trimble of The Center for Progressive Renewal, and several other nationally known musical ministers (Andra Moran, Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, Mark Miller, Christopher Grundy, and many more) are ALMOST ready to launch.
So please be in touch and let's get something on the calendar!
You can email me at, contact me through my website, or call at 608-577-8716.
Have a great 2016 and I'll hope to see you out there somewhere!
Blessings to you all,
Bryan Sirchio