Help Me Launch This!

Help Me Launch the Convergence Music Project (CMP)!!
Greetings folks. I hope you’re having a fantastic summer!
I’m writing to let you know about an exciting new worship music company that I am starting.
It’s called the Convergence Music Project, or CMP for short.
There is an opt-in form at the bottom of this message. If you already know that you'd like to be put on a special mailing list in order to learn more about this new company and how you can help us lauch it, you can just skip to the bottom of this message and sign the form now!
There are some amazing artists, writers, and church leaders at the heart of this new start up with me. Folks such as Brian McLaren, Cameron Trimble and the Center for Progressive Renewal, Doug Pagitt, Christopher Grundy, Andra Moran, Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan, Mark Miller, Rob Leveridge, Micky ScottBey Jones, and many others.
And we’re asking for your help.
Specially, we’re looking for a core group of “early adopters” who will be so excited to see this kind of company coming into being that you’ll sign up to be among our first potential customers and participate in a test group experience.
Participation in this group means you’ll be in conversation with those of us starting this company and let us know what you think about the music, the website, and how we’re offering our various products and services. We really need your feedback and ideas to help shape this company from the outset and make it the most user-friendly resource it can possibly be.
How will CMP be work?
In a nutshell, CMP will be an online source of new songs (downloadable songs and sheet music) for worship and community singing that all have great messages and solid theology. The songs will be available individually on our site and will be indexed and categorized so that it’s easy to find the kinds of songs you need. There will also be a subscription membership for churches that will be a great deal and include many value added features we think churches will love.
By “great theology,” I’m talking about the kind of messages that I wrote about in my book, "The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music," and the kind of approach to the Christian faith that my good friend Brian McLaren has been writing about powerfully in his many books over the years. It's time for us to have an easy way to find great new music that our hearts are longing to sing and that will reflect our best understanding of what it means to be Christian and people of the Spirit at this point in history.
So What Am asking for from you?
I’m asking you to please sign the opt-in form below if you would like to receive more information about CMP and what it would mean for you or your congregation to become one of our early adopters.
This will put you on a special mailing list and I will then send you more information about our initial offering and how you can be among the first to join us in launching CMP.
I hope to hear from you!
Signing the form below does not obligate you to do or purchase anything!
It just means that you are interested in learning more about this company and the possibility of becoming an early adopter. Your name will be placed on a separate list of folks who have expressed interest in finding out more and possibly playing a key role in helping us launch CMP.
Thanks so much and I hope to hear from you!
Subscribe to CMP's Potential Early Adopters List here...
Bryan Sirchio
August 10, 2015
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- Please Help Me Launch This!
- Help Me Launch This!
- Tuesday, August 4, 2015