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Crosswind Music



Words To The Song (To order CD to be shipped to you select Order/Ship Physical CD; for downloads select the album title in blue)

cover of Words To The Song (To order CD to be shipped to you select Order/Ship Physical CD; for downloads select the album title in blue)
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Crosswind Music, 2002. All Domestic and International Rights Reserved.
This album is different from most of my recordings in a number of ways. First, these songs were all co-written with my good friend Joe Steinke. Joe is a great acoustic guitarist and a number of the songs show off his guitar playing, especially the final track called, "Freedom." These songs were also written to be sung at various public venues during a two year evangelism experiment at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Each song has a one word title, a very direct lyric, and the songs were written to be an explanation of the concept of the title word and to also build a bridge between this concept and the life and witness of Jesus. These songs led to a number of great conversations at the UW. I hope you find them both musically and lyrically provocative.
All Songs Written By Bryan Sirchio and Joe Steinke.

updated: 6 years ago

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